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When It Comes To HVAC, Timing Is Everything (Part 2): Why You Should Replace You HVAC System in the Shoulder Season

Best time to buy an HVAC

In an emergency, you often don’t have time to plan ahead at a time that’s convenient for you financially or otherwise. However, if you’re planning an HVAC replacement to replace an aging system and lower your utility bills, you have time to plan your project months in advance.

This is the second installment of a two-part series, “HVAC Timing is Everything.” (Don’t miss “Why Tune-up in the Opposite Season,” for fuller understanding of the best time to schedule HVAC services.) Keep reading to find out why it makes sense to follow this logic if you want to upgrade your furnace, mini-split, heat pump, AC or other HVAC system to a more efficient unit. Contact McCullough to discuss your HVAC project in Austin and the surrounding communities.

What Is a Shoulder Season, Anyway?

A shoulder season in retail means the off-season or time when it’s the least busy. When it comes to HVAC installation in Austin, spring and fall are the shoulder seasons. We often encourage our clients to schedule their AC replacement in the spring, well in advance of when they’ll need their cooling to survive Austin’s brutal summer temperatures. Conversely, we recommend that you schedule your furnace replacement in the early fall, so you have plenty of time before freezing temperatures make it an emergency.

It could take a day or two to complete an entire heating or AC replacement. However, if you have the work done in the mild temperatures of spring or fall, you can do without heating or cooling for a couple days, if absolutely necessary.

Beat the Market

Like many industries, HVAC work follows seasonal patterns. So, it makes sense to look for a new system when other people aren’t. When the weather is beautiful, you may want to spend all your time outdoors without thinking about the long, hot summer ahead. However, this is the time to call McCullough about putting in a new HVAC system.

Because you won’t be using your AC much in the early spring, this is the perfect time to contact one of our comfort consultant pros to measure your home and suggest the right cooling system for your family. By shopping at a time when few people are ordering mini-splits, AC’s, and other cooling systems, you can probably get your system ordered and installed quickly, and at a good price.

Money and Energy Savings

As you know, heating and cooling bills rise during the winter and summer, respectively. If you replace your HVAC system in the fall, you can purchase a high-efficiency, Energy Star-rated unit that conserves energy, resulting in a lower monthly bill and bragging rights for helping to save the planet one step at a time!

To make things easier, we also offer financing on approved credit. As a local, Austin original HVAC company, we aim to make life a little more comfortable for you and your family — on your terms. Keep in mind that HVAC installation peaks in the summer, when demand soars. Isn’t it better to wait for sales and special offers in the shoulder seasons? We think so.

Check for Company Rebates

Before you purchase equipment for your heating or AC installation, check with McCullough to find out if there are any rebates available. You can often combine rebates with other offers such as discounts and state and local incentive programs. These savings make it less expensive to move forward with your HVAC replacement, rather than to continue paying high monthly bills. Work with your HVAC consultant to choose the right system for you.

Look for Off-Season Discounts

In the shoulder seasons, business slows down and some distributors may hold off-season sales to move the inventory more quickly. So don’t forget to ask which units are currently on sale and whether there are any other off-season discounts and rebated available.

Now you know more about why it makes sense to schedule your heating and AC replacement in the off-season. Contact the wonderfully weird experts at McCullough to learn more about HVAC timing in Austin.

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